Zwei Performer*innen in Pilot*innen-Kostümen mit jeweils einem großen Papierflieger in der Hand.
Ein*e Performer*in in einem Pilot*innen-Kostüm hält sich einen großen Papierflieger über den Kopf.
Ein*e Performer*in in Pilot*innen-Kostüm.

JURI - der Traum vom Fliegen

esistso!company & Gerda Brodmann-Raudonikis


JURI - The Dream of Flying

60 years ago, the first man flew through space and created the concept of the blue planet. He was the first person to look at the world from the outside, to see the Earth as a sphere - Yuri Gagarin. He became a cosmonaut at the age of only 27. After his high-altitude flight, he stayed on the ground - also in a figurative sense, because he continued his training as a pilot, which was interrupted by the space flight. At the age of only 34, he died during a training flight.

In the past years, the esistso!company has dealt with different scientific phenomena. Whether suitcases or ribbons, balls or paper webs - the dancers discover physical phenomena and social themes with few props. Visual sequences set a stream of associations free, which every member of the audience can interpret individually.

The performance takes place in cooperation with the KLATSCHMOHN theatre festival.

Production credits

Dancers: Kadir Akyüz, Stephanie Baum, Stefan Bogdoll, Gabriele Daskiewicz, Linda Rohloff, Stefan Rümmler, Kathrin Schrader, David Somrei, Francesco Zanotti and Marianne Besser / Direction and choreography: Gerda Brodmann-Raudonikis / Composition: Peter M. Glantz / Percussion: Matthias Heiny / Costumes: Eva-Maria Huke / Supported by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

The "esistso!company" of "Lebenshilfe Braunschweig" was founded eleven years ago. At the KLATSCHMOHN theatre festival, the company has thrilled audiences with many performances. KLATSCHMOHN has been taking place at the Kulturzentrum Pavillon centre for 22 years. Theatre, music, dance, film, performance, visual arts - KLATSCHMOHN represents inclusive culture in Hanover. From 5 - 7 July 2021 as an online stream. Information at

The KLATSCHMOHN theatre festival is a cooperation project between the City of Hanover's district culture department, the Institute for Special Education at Leibniz University Hanover, the Otto Hahn School in Wunstorf, the Caritas Workshops Hanover and the Kulturzentrum Pavillon.