Three photos of the heads of transgangster, Belladonna of Sadness and driver__seat with sunglasses.

Silent Disco with transgangster, Belladonna of Sadness & driver__seat

We invite you to dance every Friday and Saturday! Then, the festival centre at Gartenhaus Haeckel becomes the dance floor for our silent discos, where the music comes not from loudspeakers but from headphones. We move silently through the night - and look galactically good doing so! Deaf partygoers have the option of borrowing bass belts - these allow the bass to flow directly into the body via vibration so that everyone dances together to the beats of our DJs.

The artists Lexi Schnäbele, Elli Becker Kozelka and Carlotta Drinkewitz have crossed the boundaries between visual art and sound art in the course of their art studies and have acquired a versatile musical repertoire. For the Festival Theaterformen they play as Belladonna of Sadness, transgangster and driver__seat.

Their sets are characterized by a combination of genres ranging from femme R&B and rap, floaty drum n' bass to experimental techno and dubstep. Through a conscious selection and skillful fusion of different styles, they form a sound that moves between experimental and infectious beats. 

Production credits

Photo transgangster