Festival centre at Gartenhaus Haeckel: The floor is covered with red wood chips, with mats and people sitting on them. On the left, a stage with a tarp stretched over it.
Festival centre at Gartenhaus Haeckel in the evening light. The trees are illuminated in blue and red, people are walking on paths.
Festival centre at Gartenhaus Haeckel: Two people in hammocks.

Festival centre Gartenhaus Haeckel

Click here for the map of the theatre park!

This year, the festival centre also ties in with the practice of solidarity and collective action proposed by the Ko'eyene project. It will be designed by Gustavo Caboco Wapichana, who is part of the Ko'eyene curatorial team. Around the idyllic Gartenhaus Haeckel, places for coming together will be created: this year's highlights are the Open-air Concerts by indigenous musicians who will sweep us away with their powerful activist lyrics. At the popular Silent Discos, we will then transform the Theatre park into our very special dance floor in the evening hours. Before and after the artistic works, you can relax in the hammocks or in a shady spot among the trees. We look forward to spending yesterday, today and tomorrow together!

Production credits

Design Gustavo Caboco Photos China Hopson