Magda Szpecht
What rules are allowed in a world where fact and fiction are indecipherably intertwined? Where are the boundaries of digital resistance in the vastness of virtual space? SPY GIRLS leads us deep down into the dark hacker space of three anonymous online activists. Among glaring monitors and clattering keyboards, they’re fighting a battle in a cyberspace: their battlefields are dating platforms, their weapons are seduction and mystification. Using fake identities, they build up trust with Russian soldiers engaged in war in Ukraine, to elicit sensitive information about their crimes, whereabouts and state of mind. Magda Szpecht, the director behind this performance, has been active as an internet activist against Russian propaganda since the beginning of 2022. SPY GIRLS, that was created in Narva, Estonia, on the border with Russia, is based on a true story and is a stark reminder that safety is only an illusion.
The theatre director Magda Szpecht was born in Jelenia Góra, Poland. In her theatre work, she explores human existence and identity, as well as non-human perspectives, using unobvious ways of describing reality. In a constantly changing world she raises questions about the relationship of technology and living beings. She’s interested in creating political theatre, yet emotionally intense and intimate, with a hint of grim humor. Her work – such as performance lecture "Cyber Elf” (2022) – demonstrates the transformative power of art and its ability to reflect and change the world around us.

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Production credits
Direction Magda Szpecht Performance Mad Matrixx, Cyber Shadow, Void Vigilante Playwright Olga Drygas Direction Assistant Michał Rogulski Composition Krzysztof Kaliski Video-, Light Design Mikk-Mait Kivi Set Design Johannes Valdma Videography Janar Hakk Surtitles Laura Romanova Stage Management Marion Tammet Costume Design Sirli Pohlak Production Krista Tramberg/Helen Maandi German and English Translation Maximilian Murmann Photos Ilja Smirnov