Six large photos of people hanging on the white wall of the Haeckelsches Gartenhaus.
Six large photos of people hanging on the white wall of the Haeckel summer house.  White wall of the Haeckelsches Gartenhaus, on which a total of nine pictures painted with watercolour hang in rows of three.

Photography Exhibition

Francy Baniwa

Click here for the map of the theatre park!

This photography exhibition showcases the daily lives of Baniwa women as they engage in traditional activities within their communities. Captured through the lens of Francy Baniwa, the photographs depict women working in fields, carrying baskets, processing cassava, roasting flour, making beiju, cleaning fish, and gathering fruits in the wild. Beyond these daily routines, the images also document the process of crafting objects with delicate precision. This collection serves as a visual record, celebrating the life and art of Baniwa women, providing an intimate glimpse from an insider's perspective. Through these images, viewers are invited to experience narratives of resilience, skill, and beauty.

Production credits

Drawing Gustavo Caboco Wapichana Photos China Hopson