Ko'eyene Films
Lilly Baniwa, Francy Baniwa, Idjahure, Carou Trebitsch, Lucas Canavarro, Nana Orlandi
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The following films will be exhibited in the festival centre.
Lithipokoroda | By Lilly Baniwa | 2021 | 28min | Experimental
Lithipokoroda is a performance-manifesto produced by Indigenous artists from São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brazil. An ancestral woman falls asleep, walks through the forest, and crosses the city to reach the 'maloca,' a traditional communal house of knowledge for Indigenous peoples. The film shows how ancestral knowledge lives within the bodies of Indigenous peoples and illustrates how young Indigenous people of the 21st century use technology as a tool for denunciation, to stop invasions, and to counteract the violence perpetrated for centuries by missionaries.
Kupixá Asui Peé Itá - The Paths of the Cultivated Land | By Francy Baniwa | 2019 | 21min | Documentary
Francy Baniwa decides to film her return to the community and the daily life along the paths that lead to her family's various allotments. Whether in the bed of the Içana River, a tributary of the Negro River in the north of Amazonas, in a creek, or working at the oven house, this body-camera engages in life and labor, highlighting the interaction between the camera and the allotments.
Music is a Fighting Weapon | By Idjahure Kadiwéu, Carou Trebitsch, Lucas Canavarro and Nana Orlandi | 2021 | 25min | Documentary
Shot in Brasília, Brazil, in August 2021 during 'Fight for Life,' a historic Indigenous mobilization, Music is a Fighting Weapon is a short documentary film focusing on the importance of songs, prayers, and musicality of Indigenous peoples in their resistance against attacks and violations of their rights. The film features Idjahure Kadiwéu, Daiara Tukano, Almir Suruí, Ninawa Inu Huni Kuin, Abraham Shane Huni Kuin, Tsaihê Pataxo, Moses Xavante, Renata Kadiwéu, David Terena, Ian Wapichana, Yaku Runa Simi (Quechua), Cecilio Xukuru, Brisa Flow, and Nino Will Txunu.
Production credits
Drawing Gustavo Caboco Wapichana Photos China Hopson