Festival Centre on the Prinzenstraße
The DisOrdinary Architecture Project
Making waves – bringing about change but also grabbing people’s attention: creating a movement that shifts energy and information from one place to another. British architectural collective The DisOrdinary Architecture Project has seized on this idea to really get this year’s festival centre moving. In Prinzenstraße outside the Schauspielhaus they will set up a platform for performances and meetings, for parties and talks. Inspired by Deaf Space and Disability Pride, we will create a genuinely accessible space for diverse people and their real lives. Deaf architectural experts Richard Dougherty and Chris Laing have deliberately chosen the shape of the wave to express the performative and social dynamic of sign language and Deaf culture. They will create an unconventional festival centre as an artistic and social meeting point in Hanover with an aesthetic informed by Deaf architecture.
Sound is transmitted by waves – which means it can also be felt: in a sound massage on the bass platform or through vibration belts at the Silent Disco. Deaf artist Daniel Kotowski will also be present as a Feeler to communicate with us about feelings, while Golschan Ahmad Haschemi and Verena Meyer will explore feelings of fragility and in/security in their Toolbox talks. Ten Deaf artists from across Europe will come together for a one-week exploratory Sign Language Art Laboratory and will offer an impression of the manifold forms of the various artistic varieties of sign languages. And to complete the programme, the Chilean collective LASTESIS will rock the festival centre together with local residents in a demonstration of queer-feminist resistance with Resistencia.
Ever since it opened in 1992, the white tiling of the Schauspielhaus has been reminiscent of a swimming pool – and now it will finally have the lido we have always been waiting for! Dangle your feet in the water, relax with an ice cream or a refreshing drink before or after visiting the theatre and put the party into the pool at the silent disco. MAKE A SPLASH! We invite you to a proper summer of theatre, with all its essential ingredients!
daily, starting one hour before the start of the events
daily until 20:00, starting one hour before the start of the events
This event is part of A Sign For The Future. You can find more information here.
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Production credits
Idea, Design The DisOrdinary Architecture Projekt – Zoe Partington, Jos Boys, Richard Dougherty, Chris Laing Architect Richard Dougherty Consulting Chris Laing Project Management Swantje Möller Support Hanna Noller Technical Direction Frank Schulz Workshop Participants Steve Stymest, Renate Weidner, Annika Jakobs, Paula Emmrich, Swantje Möller, Alina Buschmann, Hanna Noller, Richard Dougherty, Chris Laing, Zoe Partington, Jos Boys Interpreter for German/English spoken and sign language Nicole Ostrycharczyk (DGS/English), Janet Beck (BSL/English), Sally Gillespie (BSL/English) Photos Moritz Küstner