A naked woman on a flying motorbike. Another performer stands under the motorbike and a third sits on a bench in the background.
A naked woman writhes on the floor. Two more naked women stand in the background with their arms and legs outstretched. A flying motorbike can be seen in the upper right.
A motorbike floats in the air. A performer hangs upside down from the motorbike.

TANZ. Eine sylphidische Träumerei in Stunts

Florentina Holzinger


DANCE. A Sylphidic Reverie in Stunts 

TW / CN *: In some scenes, self-harming acts are depicted, which could have a disturbing effect on some viewers. We would also like to point out that stroboscopic effects are used in this performance.

Strict “ballet d’action” training runs through Beatrice Cordua’s ballet class. The dancers learn to master body and mind in collective rituals, performing dizzying stunts and developing supernatural powers. They fly.  

“DANCE” is a piece about bodily discipline and the beauty cult, which is deeply rooted in the tradition of dance. In their search for perfection, the performers push their bodies to their limits, giving rise to radical parodies of sensation-seeking (body) images that transform the crude into the sublime. 

Since 2011, Florentina Holzinger has been enriching the international performance scene with dizzying acrobatics, muscular female bodies and martial arts fighting scenes – not to mention her pop culture references and penchant for trash. After “Recovery” and “Apollon”, Florentina Holzinger concluded her trilogy about the body as spectacle with “DANCE”, and she was invited to the Berliner Theatertreffen in 2020.    

Production credits

Featuring: Renée Copraij, Beatrice Cordua, Evelyn Frantti, Lucifire, Lydia Darling, Annina Machaz, Netti Nüganen, Suzn Pasyon, Laura Stokes, Veronica Thompson, Josefin Arnell, Florentina Holzinger 

Director, concept, performance, choreography: Florentina Holzinger / Set design: Nikola Knezevic / Stage assistant: Camilla Smolders / Costume: Mael Blau / Music: Stefan Schneider / Music coach: Almut Lustig / Video: Josefin Arnell / Lighting: Anne Meeussen / Technical assistant: Koen Vanneste / Dramaturgy: Renée Copraij, Sara Ostertag / Outside eye: Michele Rizzo, Fernando Belfiore / Coaching: Ghani Minne, Dave Tusk / Stunt support: Haeger Stunt & Wireworks / Stunt instructors: Stunt Cloud GmbH (Leo Plank, Phong Giang, Sandra Barger) / Theory and research: Anna Leon / Prosthetic and Mask: Students of Wigs, Make-up and Special Make-up Effects for Stage and Screen - Theaterakademie August Everding Munich, Marianne Meinl / Production: Spirit / Management: Something Great (Berlin) and DANSCO (Amsterdam)

Co-production: Tanzquartier Wien, SPRING Festival (Utrecht), Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), Arsenic (Lausanne), Münchner Kammerspiele, Take Me Somewhere Festival (Glasgow), Beursschouwburg (Brüssel), deSingel (Antwerpen), Sophiensaele (Berlin), Frascati Productions (Amsterdam), Theater im Pumpenhaus (Münster), asphalt Festival (Düsseldorf) / Distribution: Something Great / Supported by O Espaço do Tempo (Montemor-o-Novo), Fondation LUMA (Arles) and De Châtel Award (NL) / Funded by Cultural Department of the City of Vienna, Arts and Culture Division of the Federal Chancellery of Austria and Performing Arts Fund NL

*Trigger warning / Content notion