Abstrakte Grafik mit ineinandergreifenden Kettenelementen.

Soft Spot: DJ Set & Party

soft spot


Experimental electronic music, queer-feminist politics and celebrating beyond set norms - as a DJ collective we are very excited to share all this with you again, in a physical space. Whether we can do this by moving and dancing at a distance or by listening together remains to be seen. One way or another, we will be in this together, but we are not the same. So let's be aware, of giving and taking space, taking care of each other, and creating moments to strengthen each other.

Production credits

soft spot is an interdisciplinary club- and DJ-collective of women* & LGBTIQA+ based in Hannover, which aims to open up spaces for experimental, electronic sounds, taking care & queer-feminist politics on and off the dancefloor, organizing a party series & events. Besides music, we try to initiate an exchange about awareness, club cultures and solidarity in workshops and talks with artists.