Eine neongelbe Farbfläche.

Silent Disco – Fuchsbau Festival // DJ Kündigung (WET)

On the opening evening of the festival and every Friday and Saturday we invite you to dance! The disused Prinzenstraße will then turn into the dancefloor for our silent discos, where the music comes not from loudspeakers but from headphones. Silently we move through the night – and look awesomely good while we’re doing it! Deaf visitors to the party have the opportunity to borrow vibration belts – these allow bass notes to flow directly into the body in the form of vibrations, blurring boundaries so that everyone can dance to the beats of our DJs together.

We host this Silent Disco together with the Fuchsbau Festival:

DJ Kündigung was born and raised in Berlin. She is the co-founder of the party series called WET; a queer FLINTA party taking place in Berlin and Vienna.
She finds in music the perfect medium to communicate and express her passion and devotion strongly linked to WET’s manifesto and concept.

DJ Kündigung on soundcloud.com

For more than ten years, the Fuchsbau e.V. has presented a decidedly progressive programme that examines and discusses social changes from the perspective of a young generation, and thinks speculatively into the future. The lighthouse project is the three-day interdisciplinary Fuchsbau Festival, which takes place every two years and combines art, music and discourse formats under one overarching theme. A constant is the focus on innovative formats that bring underrepresented and marginalised groups (LGBTQI+, BIPoC) to the fore. Behind the association is a non-profit collective of artists, activists, cultural and social scientists.


Production credits

Foto (1) Perra Inmunda Foto (2) Moritz Peters