
Edu O.

Participatory Performance

In Portuguese, "nós" can be the interweaving of threads (knots), but also the personal pronoun indicating that we are not alone (we/us). We will weave a large net made of many "nós de nós" (knots of us). In this performance, we invite the audience to weave with us and share small secrets and pleasures of life: a dance, a song, a story, a photograph or a drawing. We explore encounters that may be non-verbal and in different languages. Visitors are invited to participate or watch.

Nunca Mais Abismos is a performance installation that invites the audience to watch, participate and explore. Edu O. and his artistic team developed three different performance modes that reverberate on each other and create spaces of fluency and exchange: Nós (We/Us/Knots), Emergir (To Emerge) and Silêncio (Silence).

Production credits

Artistic Direction, Concept Edu O. Performance Edu O., Estela Lapponi, Jania Santos, Aldren Lincoln, Nei Lima, Thiago Cohen Technical Direction, Photography, Video Aldren Lincoln Soundscape Estela Lapponi, Aldren Lincoln Production Management, Costume Nei Lima Production Assistance Thiago Cohen Translation, Production Assistance Braunschweig Rodrigo Garcia Alves Personal Assistance Débora Motta Photos Aldren Lincoln, Ravaneli Mesquitta