Image description by the editorial staff of Festival Theaterformen. Self-description of the depicted persons follows. / A nude person from the waist up with her mouth open is swinging her long, braided hair in a circle.

Carte Noire nommée Désir

Rébecca Chaillon


Carte Noire nommée Désir is a bittersweet commentary on the desires of Black women. The title of the play refers to a popular advertisement for a brand of coffee in France called “Carte Noire, Un cafe nommé désir” (Carte Noire, a coffee named desire) that features white heterosexual couples. Rébecca Chaillon counters the principle of a “carte blanche,” which is an invitation for artistic creativity, with her own uncompromising model. She invites seven Black performers from different artistic disciplines on stage. Together, they explore the hyper-sexualization and exoticization of Black bodies and identities, as well as their visibility and invisibility. In the process, they expose the ongoing racist stereotypes and attributions prevalent in French society.

The audience is encouraged to reconsider their own ideas and be open to a poetically powerful and but also excessive journey full of complex interrelations between colonialism and colorism. Carte Noire nommée Désir addresses the comparison of Black bodies with sweets and hot beverages and breaks these down into the colonial ingredients of sugar, coffee, and cocoa. Not only are these melted on stage; in their various states of matter, they also provide the material of which the stage consists. In this way, Chaillon develops an impressive artistic practice as she draws her own version of a pan-African, feminist map.

The director, actress, and author Rébecca Chaillon explores the themes of racism, sexism, and ableism in her works. She also exposes systematic discrimination in many areas of society, which she then juxtaposes with tough political opposition through her appealing and humorous theater work. She founded the collective Dans le Ventre in 2006. 

Production credits

Text, Mise en Scène, Rébecca Chaillon (Text "Je ne suis pas votre Fatou" by Fatou Siby) With Bebe Melkor-Kadior, Estelle Borel, Rébecca Chaillon, Aurore Déon, Maëva Husband/Olivia Mabounga, Ophélie Mac, Makeda Monnet, Founé Tounkara/Fatou Siby Dramaturgy Céline Champinot Assistant Director Olivia Mabounga, Jojo Armaing Szenography Camille Riquier, Shehrazad Dermé Creation, Sound Elisa Monteil, Issa Gouchène Direction, Set Suzanne Péchenart Creation, Lighting Myriam Adjalle Construction Samuel Chenier, Baptiste Odet Artistic Collaboration Aurore Déon, Suzanne Péchenart Production/Development L’Oeil Ecoute – Mara Teboul, Elise Bernard Photos Julie Folly (1,2), Marikel Lahana (3)

Coproduction Coproduction et accueil en résidence La Manufacture – CDN Nancy Lorraine, Le Carreau du Temple, Établissement culturel et sportif de la Ville de Paris, Le Maillon – Théâtre de Strasbourg scène européenne, La Scène Nationale d'Orléans, Le Fond de Dotation Porosus,  Le Fond Transfabrik – Fond franco-allemand pour le spectacle vivant, Nordwind Festival,  Maison de la Culture d’Amiens – Scène nationale, L’Aire libre – Centre de Production des Paroles contemporaines, Rennes, La Ferme du Buisson – Scène nationale de Marne-la-Vallée, CDN de Normandie – Rouen, Le Théâtre Dijon-Bourgogne CDN, La Rose des Vents La rose des vents, Scène nationale Lille Métropole, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Coproduction le phénix scène nationale Pôle européen de création dans le cadre du Campus partagé Amiens – Valenciennes, Théâtre Sorano

"Carte Noire nommée désir" is shown with le cadre du nomadisme de La rose des vents, Scène nationale Lille Métropole, Villeneuve d’Ascq / maison Folie Wazemmes, Lille.
Partner Les SUBS à Lyon et le Générateur - lieu d’art et de performances / La Loge à Paris, Kampnagel Fabrik – Hamburg, Dans les parages – LA ZOUZE Cie Christophe Haleb, Marseille
Artistic Participation by l'ENSATT, supported by Fonds d’Insertion pour Jeunes Comédiens de l’ESAD – PSPBB, supported by la DRAC Hauts-de France et de la Région Hauts-de-France.

The Cie Dans le Ventre/Rébecca Chaillon is an associated artist of the Théâtre de la Manufacture - CDN de Nancy. Rébecca Chaillon is represented by L'ARCHE - agence théâtrale.

With kind support of Institut français the French Ministry of Culture.