Mare Nostrum

Documentary theatre about refugees and displaced people with powerful imagery
During the 100 minutes of this performance, around 40,000 people worldwide will flee their homes – this is announced by the director Laura Uribe at the very beginning in huge letters. Many flee but stay in their own countries, like those displaced by the paramilitary organisations of the FARC-EP in Colombia. Others decide to cross the sea and are washed up on the coasts of wealthy nations.
Uribe’s Mexican-Colombian coproduction is a thoroughly researched piece of documentary theatre, a video spectacle and a satire all at the same time. Refugees and their families tell stories of loss and how you learn to live with it, and give an account of the number of people missing. But their demands fade away in an echo: then, instead of those in power making an appearance, a penguin on roller-skates enters the stage. Dumb and blind in its full-body costume, all it can do is helplessly flap its wings. The powerful images in Mare Nostrum denounce the inhumanity of a capitalism that systematically produces the displacement of many thousands of people.
Post-Show Talk 13.06.
Written . Directed by Laura Uribe With Marisol Álvarez . Tata Castañeda . Esteban M. Madrigal . Karla Garrido Scenography . Light design Tenzing Ortega Costumes Ricardo Loyola Multimedia design Edmundo Herrera . Hector Cruz Multimedia Live performance Hector Cruz Sound design Edmundo Herrera . Anna Cristina Portillo Live music design Tata Castañeda Spatial design Laura Uribe Dramaturgy Manuela Paniagua Consulting dramaturg Noé Morales Artistic collaboration Maria Sandoval . Noé Morales
The piece includes texts by Laura Uribe . Marisol Álvarez . Tata Castañeda . Esteban M. Madrigal . Angélica Liddell
Installation design Voluntary out of Nationality Laura Uribe
Produced by Teatro UNAM . Universidad de Antioquia . Teatro en Código Company
Supported by Goethe Institut
ConcessionsAdvance booking 12/9 Euro . Evening box office 13/10 Euro
Introduction13.06. 18:30 Uhr . Theatermuseum
Warm-up14.06. 18:00 Uhr . Schauspielhaus
Duration1h45 . no interval
LanguageColumbian Spanish with German surtitles
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