Milo Rau‘s production Mitleid: Die Geschichte des Maschinengewehrs examines the boundaries of European humanism and the Western perception of the suffering of the ‘other’. Julian Hetzel’s installation Schuldfabrik explores “guilt” as a resource and an idea. Based on both plays, the participants will discuss the self-understanding of the liberal, Western subject as a “no-longer racist” and exclusively white subject, and “white innocence”, the construction necessary for this.
With Jovita dos Santos Pinto, PhD student at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Research at the University of Bern (research focus: postcolonialism)
Julian Hetzel, director (Schuldfabrik)
Consolate Sipérius, actress (Mitleid: Die Geschichte des Maschinengewehrs)
Chaired by Julian Warner, cultural anthropologist and dramaturg
(Research focus: Black European Studies, racism and pop culture research)
Großes Haus Louis-Spohr-Saal
10.06., 3 pm
In German language
Duration 1h30