Because I Always Feel Like Running

Because I Always Feel Like Running Panorama

Ogutu Muraya .Amsterdam . Netherlands | Nairobi . Kenia

Stories about running up against history

Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia, Kipchoge Keino of Kenya and John Steven Akhwari of Tanzania – focusing on the stories of three athletes, Ogutu Muraya navigates the phenomenon and politics of running. This sporting success of East African middle and long distances runners occured at the same time as the independence movements on the African continent and the willpower, tenacity and endurance of the runners became part of the identity being formed in the new nations. Using historical and personal narratives Muraya shifts attention from intellectual inquiry to the knowledge systems of the body: the figure of the long-distance runner as a politically charged body between anti-colonial struggles and international competitive sports; a Black body, which is both vulnerable and resilient at the same time.

Concept . Performance Ogutu Muraya In collaboration with Leila Anderson 

Funded by the TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes)
Gefördert vom Fonds Podiumkunsten Performing Arts Fund NL

Staatstheater Kleines Haus . Aquarium

09.06.19:00 Uhr

10.06.21:30 Uhr

AdmissionAdvance booking 18 Euro . Evening box office 20 Euro
ConcessionsAdvance booking 9 Euro . Evening box office 10 Euro
Introduction09.06. 18.30 Uhr . Kleines Haus
Post-Show Talk09.06.
Duration1h . no interval
LanguageWithout language

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