A capitalist casino of careless choices
Just imagine you were part of the one percent, the super-rich, pulling all the strings, but never personally appearing in public. The Belgian theatre-makers from the group Ontroerend Goed invite you to take part in an interactive performance about what really counts: money. For 90 minutes, you will sit in the boss’s chair of global turbo-capitalism and will decide on the future of our economic system. You will set the course for how we live together as a global society. And who knows: maybe you’ll make the world a better, fairer place. Maybe you’ll be more responsible than the people at the top and make the right decisions. Because you’d act differently, right?
Director Alexander Devriendt Script Joeri Smet . Angelo Tijssens . Karolien De Bleser . Alexander Devriendt Cast Joeri Smet . Angelo Tijssens . Karolien De Bleser . Samir Veen . Hannah Boer . Aurélie Lannoy . Joeri Heegstra . Britt Bakker . Charlotte De Bruyne . Bastiaan Vandendriessche . Robin Keyaert . Max Wind . Sjef van Schie . Aaron Gordon Technical support Babette Poncelet . Iben Stalpaert Costume Astrid Peeters Music Johannes Genard Design Nick Mattan Scenography vormen Dramaturgy Koba Ryckewaert . Zach Hatch . Julie Behaegel (intern) Assistant producer Charlotte Nyota Bischop (intern) Producer David Bauwens Tourplanning Karen Van Ginderachter
Saatstheater Grosses Haus . Orchesterprobensaal . Treffpunkt Kassenfoyer
09.06. - 10.06.14:00 Uhr / 17:00 Uhr
ConcessionsAdvance booking 9 Euro . Evening box office 10 Euro
Duration1h20 . no interval
LanguageEnglish, French, Shona and Wolof
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