Festival Academy

The youngest generation of theatre-makers is invited to Hannover, to accompany Theaterformen with their questions and critique, to create new visions for future work, to enjoy and fill the open space of the Festival Academy and to build up networks that will last well beyond the festival.
With Adel Abdelwahab Egypt . Marisa Bimbo Mozambique . Raquel Castro Portugal . Darla Contois Canada . Nwando Ebizie Great Britain . Abdoul Mujyambere Ruanda . Esther Kamba Kenia . Kiroshan Naidoo South Africa . Nashilongweshipwe Mushaandja Namibia . Curtis Taylor Australia . Philisiwe Twijnstra South Africa
Head of the seminar programme: Julian Warner . Assistant: Duha Binici
Gefördert im Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes im Rahmen des Projekts SCHULD
Gefördert vom Land Niedersachsen im Rahmen der Partnerschaft mit der Provinz Eastern Cape in Südafrika